About us

The Consumer Electronics Trade Foundation is a special interest organisation for distributors and service companies in the consumer electronics industry in Norway.

Member companies, consisting of suppliers, dealer chains, independent dealers and workshops, own the foundation. The foundation currently has around 1,000 member companies. The Board of Directors consists of 11 members, representing all groups in the membership directory.

Areas of activity

The main objective of the foundation is to defend and promote the interests of its members. Its areas of activity encompass trade and industrial policy, framework conditions for the industry, legislation and regulations that affect industry activities, environmental issues, IT, statistics and marketing data.

The foundation also engages in extensive public relations efforts both within the industry and aimed at public consumers and the mass media. The foundation’s vision is to create a sense of belonging for all parties within the industry, pride at belonging to a community in a serious industry, solidarity within the industry and enthusiasm for the specialised fields.

The consumer electronics industry covers audio, picture and multimedia, white goods and small electronics, mobile phones and other screen-based product groups, computers, photography, games and accessories within these product groups. Foundation members are all active within one or more of these product areas.


The Consumer Electronics Trade Foundation was established in 2005 and is based on former industry organisations for dealers and suppliers in the sector.

The foundation was created as a result of prolonged efforts to narrow down the number of organisations into a single special interest organisation for all industry players.

Consumer Electronics Trade Magazine

The foundation's trade magazine is called Elektronikkbransjen and has been published continuously since 1937. Articles cover all areas of activity within the industry. The magazine is published six times a year and is distributed to all employees in the foundation member companies.

The magazine is an important source of information for industry players and emphasises news, trends and political issues affecting the industry. All issues of the magazine from the very first edition have been digitized and can be found in elektronikkbransjen.no/historiskarkiv.

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Cathrine Pedersen
Media graphic designer

+47 93 43 93 85 // cp@elektronikkbransjen.no

Hans F. Johansson
Head of finance and administration
+47 41 30 33 12 // hfj@elektronikkbransjen.no

Jan Adelsten Røsholm
+47 928 87 000 // jr@elektronikkbransjen.no

Stian Sønsteng
+47 9920 2005 // ss@elektronikkbransjen.no

Visiting address
Fyrstikkalléen 3A, 0661 Oslo (map)

Mailing address
PO Box 6640 Etterstad, N-0607 Oslo

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